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Old 07-29-2021, 07:43 PM   #422
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Originally Posted by knowit View Post
The only smoke screen here is being put out by Epic himself. He says he does not plan to”run his business here”, but in reality he really can not tell us how frequently he will be using the dock because he has no idea how much business he will get. If he say anything else he is simple lying. He has no idea but if we allow him to use the public dock for “occasional “ use then the precedent is set and there is nothing stopping him from using it more and more. This is the real danger here and this is what everyone should be concerned with. Plain and simple, if you want to operate a business here do it from the store’s private dock. Otherwise you are not welcome here and I for one will do whatever it takes to block it.
I actually stopped @ Pier 19 to examine their "new" dock the other day. It does look very nice, and appeared to be freshly rebuilt for the purpose of selling their boat gasoline retail business. Because their actual dock is located directly next to land (on two sides) then I would say it is impossible for a plane to ever tie up there. It's hard enough to get a 30' boat safely in and out of there, so I would say a small aircraft would not have a safe place to maneuver in and out of there.

This boat gasoline business is a bit different @ Pier 19 as it is not located at the outer end of a typical dock, rather it is located at the inner land side end of a separate, privately owned condominium space dock (with a locked access gate). In fact, some boaters unfamiliar with the area may not even know that gasoline is even available for purchase there due to lack of visibility approaching from 19 Mile Bay.

With that said, the only option is the Town owned dock and that dock would need some minor alteration in order to accommodate an aircraft...... and it doesn't appear that the Town is too anxious to allow that. Therefore I believe it is highly unlikely for any of this to actually happen.
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