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Old 09-26-2021, 11:27 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by thinkxingu View Post
I don't see schools closing down in NH or MA at all. There's a lot of evidence that shows schools are not areas of spread so, when connected with our high(er) vaccination rates and the effects on children still being minimal, the reporting/concern standards are very low.

For example, MA DESE's new definition for a close contact for students with masks is over 15 minutes within three feet. Given normal desk/working/private space distance, that's essentially not possible, which means that in the last few Covid positive cases my classes, there have been no close contact quarantine/absence requirements.

So, although some of my students have caught Covid (~6 out of 100+), absences have been minimal and transmission clearly from outside the school (and, really, before school was in session).

My feeling from people's behaviors lately is that once the 5-11 vaccine is released—by Halloween? Thanksgiving?—the "pandemic" will be over.

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I agree, for now--In Mass, I think it's a race between covid and the 5-11 vaccines.

The 5-11 vaccine release is likely to generate more data on vaccine efficacy. We will probably be able to compare Mass to Mississippi, just for example. Within Mass, we will probably be able to compare towns like hi-vax Newton to towns like lo-vax Chelsea.
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