Thread: Jetsurf
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Old 10-09-2021, 11:18 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Because these Jet Surf Electrics have an electric motor they need to be registered, with registration bow numbers and yearly sticker that's visible to see just like a jetski or a boat with an engine or a kayak with an electric motor.

If it has a motor like this then it needs to get registered in N.H. and display the bow numbers and sticker.

So, where do you attach the bow numbers? It needs a vertical plate attached to the bow, or somewhere, designed to display bow numbers on both sides big enough to display the bow numbers and sticker.

Is this correct, or is this incorrect? So, how do the NH boat registration-bow number rules apply to a Jet Surf Electric?
FLL, I'm disappointed in you. OBVIOUSLY you super glue an extra thick foam noodle around the perimeter of the subject unit and that should give you enough vertical surface area to mount the numbers/stickers. Light weight, multiple colors and extra flotation for an emergency situation.
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