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Old 10-21-2021, 08:20 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by SailinAway View Post
Based on the state data at

In June 2021 there was a 7-day average of 20 new cases per day. Right now the 7-day average is 546 new cases per day---27 times more than in June! As I recall, there were about 350 active cases in June. Today there are 4,517 active cases.

We are clearly in an intense fourth wave that is increasing dramatically each week. At the height of the 2020 pandemic (May), there were 97 new cases per day in New Hampshire. Thus the current wave is about 6 times worse than the worst part of 2020. The increase is not all due to being indoors in the colder season---the uptick was very steep in July and August.

New Hampshire's Covid situation is currently worse than the former hotspots of Florida, Texas, and California.

Some observations that account for New Hampshire's poor performance in reducing infections:

(1) The vaccination rate is the lowest in New England and below the national average.

(2) Almost no one is wearing a mask in stores here in the Lakes Region.

(3) The NH Executive Council turned down $27 million in federal aid to support vaccination efforts.

(4) People appear convinced that the pandemic is over. They are going about their lives as before the pandemic, indicating a lack of education about where the pandemic really stands in New Hampshire.

Those are the facts. We are clearly headed into a 3rd year of the pandemic. There aren't many signs that people care about that fact, meaning they don't care about dying or people close to them dying, time lost from work if they get sick, or the huge economic impacts of the pandemic. They just don't care enough to use the means easily available to them to stop the pandemic---means that cost very little time or money and that impose no real hardship on people.

This is a sad situation that predicts a very bad outcome for the other huge existential problems we face, especially the climate crisis. In a word, not enough of the human race cares enough to take action to preserve our own species, as seen right here in New Hampshire.
A perfect example of how numbers can be used to make 2 completely different arguments.

When you look at the data here:

You will see the 7 day death average in NH is currently 4, telling me that NH is one of the safest places to be in the country!

Its right in line with where NH was in May 2020 (a date referenced from above) and leaves me with both a great sense of comfort and safety, but also causes me concern and to question why there is so much fear mongering that is destroying our country.

This obsession about infection rate is clearly fueled by the media and politicians for god only knows what reason, but with average citizens fanning the flames of fear one can only wonder why. Is it fear, maybe. I suspect its something deeper, an odd human compulsion to need a crisis to worry about.

Time and time again we hear the manipulated information x dead from COVID or COVID complications, and a perfect example is Colin Powell. Announced as died for complications of COVID, not died of complications of terminal cancer as would have been the case 2 years ago. Never ever in the past did you hear of a terminal cancer patient dying from complications of a head cold or the flu, it was always from cancer, then along comes COVID and murder/suicide's, car accidents victims, cancer patients, slip and fall deaths and everything else are listed as COVID deaths if they tested positive for COVID in the autopsy.

So is NH unsafe and in a COVID death spiral, well not from what I can see.

I walk through any space in the state and without any substantially greater fear of death than I had 5 years ago, 10 years ago, ever.

Live Free and leave your worries for actual high risk concerns.

At last check the national average risk of death from COVID was 1 in 500, almost exactly the same as hang gliding!

Not exactly something to cause me to stop living, or to live in fear from.

I'm sure another person can take the same data and make a completely different case, maybe this all aligns with an astrological event and we simply need to wait until Saturn goes Station Retrograde in Aquarius at Sat Jun 04 2022 17:47.

Yup then this will be over,,,
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