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Old 10-21-2021, 11:18 PM   #8
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Default COVID DATA - Lies and Manipulation or Jts 2 sides of a coin,,,

Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
A perfect example of how numbers can be used to make 2 completely different arguments.

When you look at the data here:

You will see the 7 day death average in NH is currently 4, telling me that NH is one of the safest places to be in the country!

Its right in line with where NH was in May 2020 (a date referenced from above) and leaves me with both a great sense of comfort and safety, but also causes me concern and to question why there is so much fear mongering that is destroying our country.

This obsession about infection rate is clearly fueled by the media and politicians for god only knows what reason, but with average citizens fanning the flames of fear one can only wonder why. Is it fear, maybe. I suspect its something deeper, an odd human compulsion to need a crisis to worry about.

Time and time again we hear the manipulated information x dead from COVID or COVID complications, and a perfect example is Colin Powell. Announced as died for complications of COVID, not died of complications of terminal cancer as would have been the case 2 years ago. Never ever in the past did you hear of a terminal cancer patient dying from complications of a head cold or the flu, it was always from cancer, then along comes COVID and murder/suicide's, car accidents victims, cancer patients, slip and fall deaths and everything else are listed as COVID deaths if they tested positive for COVID in the autopsy.

So is NH unsafe and in a COVID death spiral, well not from what I can see.

I walk through any space in the state and without any substantially greater fear of death than I had 5 years ago, 10 years ago, ever.

Live Free and leave your worries for actual high risk concerns.

At last check the national average risk of death from COVID was 1 in 500, almost exactly the same as hang gliding!

Not exactly something to cause me to stop living, or to live in fear from.

I'm sure another person can take the same data and make a completely different case, maybe this all aligns with an astrological event and we simply need to wait until Saturn goes Station Retrograde in Aquarius at Sat Jun 04 2022 17:47.

Yup then this will be over,,,
Just some background

Coroner: State included a murder-suicide in Grand’s COVID deaths:

Bob Woodward Says Colin Powell Opened Up About Cancer Diagnosis Prior to Death

"In a July 12 phone interview — recorded by Woodward, 68, for his book, Peril and obtained by CNN — Powell told the veteran journalist that he had been battling multiple myeloma for almost two years. Further, Powell told Woodward he also had Parkinson's."

The median overall survival of an elderly (≥80 years) cohort of myeloma patients was 22 months, with an early mortality rate (at 2 months) of 14%

confusion continues over whether people die of COVID-19 or with COVID-19.

Then clearly there all the media publications saying the COVID deaths are being under-reported.

So as stated previously, the same numbers can be used to tell 2 completely different stories and are often used exactly. Is the tank half full and you are ok, or is it half empty and you better start planning for a refill before you run out.

For me the only COVID number of significant interest is the 7 day death average. Thats how I gauge safety. From my seat, getting colds and flu and viruses are all part of existing, and no vaccine or practice can 100% protect you from that.

The rest is just living, so live with it, not in fear of it.

So use common sense, and worry about something that is a legitimate and serious risk to your life. Like undue stress over COVID. Thats probably more harmful to our country as a whole than the virus, but there is no study or measurement of how much people are getting stressed out over all this.

Others opinions will vary, so be it.
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