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Old 10-28-2021, 08:04 AM   #54
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Masks and indoor NH-lakes region pickleball?

Having been vaxxed three times, the last one in September, with the Pfizer vax at the Plymouth CVS pharmacy I have a sense on invincibility against the virus! Who me ...... no way ..... will never-ever happen what with three shots of Pfizer plus a flu shot as well?

So, the local indoor pickleball season has started up as of October 25 with pickleball venues typically happening at local town indoor gymnasiums and pickleballers, are aged about 55-82.

Should pickleballers be wearing masks while playing indoor pickleball? A good question? Nobody does wear a mask, so far, that I have seen, and the issue hasn't been discussed. If anyone wants to wear a mask at pickleball, it is their decision ......... so far?

Oh well, someone will probably need to actually catch the corona virus before pickleballers will start wearing masks ....... live pickleball or die! .....

Been vaxxed three times by the very efficient and professional pharmacy team at the CVS in Plymouth with no waiting around in a waiting line ....... so, What Me Worry ..... according to the old Mad Magazine! ..... I've been vaxxed ........ three times! .....

By the way, and not that it matters as far as catching the corona virus while playing pickleball here in New Hampshire...... I am like the greatest pickleball player that ever lived since pickleball was first invented ...... the Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Andy Murray of pickleball ....... ha-ha-ha! .....

Maybe the answer for improving the indoor air quality is to simply open a door at the back of the pickleball gym and let some fresh air flow inside the large indoor gym playing area. Hey ...... take a deep breath ...... that feels like fresh air!
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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