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Old 01-22-2022, 02:20 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by MDoug View Post
Does anybody else on the islands feel they're being held hostage by the marinas?
Understandable thought. We went through thios in a sense 40 years ago when some marinas went condo and islanders were afraid they'd have no place available on the mainland. Part of the result was a lot more valet, but even that is limited by parking and land space needs. It won't get any easier. In the "early years", islanders did not always have an easy access power boat--they took a taxi to the island and left a message for pickup at some future time. Remember, no phones then. When Gilford Marina (MVYC) went condo in 1983, slips sold for 20-25K. A house in those days sold for <150K. The slip now sells for $160K (8X) and the House for only $360K.(2.4x). In some respects, the marinas have been slow to raise rates, but now, they can't get boats to sell, and they can't sell boats if they don't have slips. They still have fixed overhead and a short season, for things like service and gas, which can't fully support a business.
It looks like islanders need to find long term solutions, either for the next generation or for the next buyer. If you can't sell a boat without a slip, you certainly can't sell ah island camp. Wolfeboro Corinthian Yacht Club may have an example; I think it is mostly Wolfeboro islanders.
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