Thread: Nonsense
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Old 01-23-2022, 08:55 AM   #4
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The driving force behind this is "The free state project" For those unfamiliar with it, about 20 years ago someone came up with the idea of finding a state where libertarian minded people could all move to. Several states were considered with the main criteria being it needed to be a small enough state that 10 or 20,000 people could make a difference and it needed to have a general ethos of liberty. People signed up online and agreed to move to whatever state was chosen. When it reached critical mass (I think 10,000 signers) they voted on which state. NH was the winner!
The movement has grown and it has brought many liberty minded types to our state. Like anything else some on the fringes are a bit extreme but overall they have had a positive effect on our state and are an antidote to the nanny state leftists who never stop moving us in the other direction.
This law is obviously a bit crazy and will never happen but it does make a statement that there are still some people who value smaller government and freedom. As someone who follows this movement I can tell you it is great advertising. The more people who are fed up with the direction our country is going in and and want to live free the better.
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