Thread: Nonsense
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Old 01-23-2022, 01:03 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Descant View Post
I agree that secession is not a good plan, but there have been advocates for many decades, probably since we agreed to the USA Constitution and they voted "No". Historically, NH sends more money to DC than we get back, largely because we have fewer welfare expenses than other states. So we pay for all those benefits in other states. Like other successful small, independent states (Iceland, 370K, Monaco, 40K, Lichtenstein, 40K) we would not have to support a military. Friends in Europe tell us that when they're traveling or need non-local medical care, they go where they need to go and the bill is paid under reciprocity. A few years ago, there was a movement for Killington to secede from VT. That would have been a great time for NH to annex it and build a casino. We could also annex (small incursion according to our president) Kittery and settle the question of where the shipyard really is. Border crossings? There are currently no restrictions coming to/from Mexico. Why should MA, VT, ME, CN be any different?
Have another beer, have some fun with this nonsense and ease up.
I'm eased But did you just justify the thinking of extremist right wing politics, and then advocate demilitarization and nationalized healthcare in the next sentences? If yes, I salute you for being the most free-ranging thinker on the forum (seriously)
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