Thread: Nonsense
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Old 01-25-2022, 03:39 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by MAXUM View Post
So I guess then according to your measuring stick there was never a great Native American Indian Chief that ever lived nor should be memorized in any way because after all they started plenty of wars and lost? Huh...

Call it what you will, the battle between the south and the north was not about over throwing the government. The Confederacy sought a peace with the union yet stood firm of its "legitimate" claims to independence, ultimately being pushed into having to defend it. That is a well known fact and is not treason.
Exactly. SC seceded in 1860, followed by other states in 1861. As they formed their new government, they took over various government facilities, mostly peacefully, I believe. No skirmishes like we see in our big cities today. Later in 1861, the north "started" the war when they fired on Fort Sumter.
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