Thread: Cost of fuel...
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Old 02-02-2022, 08:45 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by thinkxingu View Post
Ummmm...I totally disagree.

There are so many longtime lakefront owners who have gotten crushed from the increased taxes and, including some members here, who have lost homes that have been in their families for generations as a result.

Also, there are many, many families who have been priced out of boating these last years, and that's troublesome to me as well.

I get the math and value and all that jazz, but I think it's totally reasonable to have an issue with costs rising so exponentially that swaths of people lose access or have to forgo other important things to cover the increased costs.

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I agree that lake prices are rising too fast for the general good. I also agree that lots of people complain about property taxes and assert that they are forced to sell.

But like snowel, I do not believe these people who are doing the asserting that property taxes have forced them out of a place that's been in the family for generations. These multi-generational homes are worth 10X (30X?) what grandpa paid. Even for a modest home, we might call that a $1MM windfall. That potential cash might be too much to resist selling the house, but let's not call it forced by the evil taxman. Rent it for 2-3 weeks in July, then drive up for the rest of the summer and thank God for grandpa's good sense
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