02-06-2022, 12:43 PM
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Originally Posted by TiltonBB
I wouldn't be so quick to reject the idea of a condo slip. I had a slip at Mountain View for over 20 years. When I didn't need it anymore I rented it out because it was in a great location, out front between Mountain View and Silver Sands, backed up to the beach.
The taxes were in the $1,000 neighborhood and the condo fee was $2,000. $3,000 per year looks like a bargain now based on today's slip rental prices. And, no additional cost for winter storage was a part of that. Once you own a slip you will always have access to it if you choose to use it.
I had a 34 foot boat in it (37 OAL) with a 12.5 foot beam. At this time renting a slip for that would probably run somewhere above $8,000. In my opinion, if you plan on boating on the lake for the foreseeable future, and you can do it, owning a slip is well worth it.
Well said. In other threads, it appears winter storage can be several thousand dollars, so year round is a big bonus.