Thread: Cost of fuel...
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Old 02-06-2022, 04:18 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Dave R View Post
We have friends that live year round in a Hampton Beach condo and they have Summers off from work. They advertise the condo on AirB&B at a really high nightly price and rent it out (last minute due to the high price) about 20 nights a Summer. When it's rented out, they simply take a road trip somewhere and stay in hotels or with family/friends. Those 20 nights easily pay all their expenses for the road trips, and all their property taxes.

If people somehow forgot that property taxes almost never go down and don't plan for increases, there are creative ways to cover the costs.

If people bought boats in 2020 thinking marine diesel was always going to cost $1.49 a gallon, they didn't really plan well.
What a PITA that must be. Last minute rental and they have to vacate and remove all valuables? Where do they keep copies of their tax returns? Gotta remove them! Empty closets, etc. Just to pay your taxes...I hope where they live is worth that effort.
~~~~_/) ~~~
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