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Old 02-09-2022, 02:53 PM   #30
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Do I miss having a boat? Yes. Are there irritants that no longer bother me now that I don't have a boat? Yes.

I don't miss the wakeboard boats tossing me around like a bobber when I'm anchored in a cove. I don't miss the boats who plow all over the lake in a bow high attitude (me too Chachee). I usually don't have a problem with cabin cruisers, even in Sanders Bay because they never seem to be in a rush to get anywhere. Sophie and Doris, now there is a whole different, but the same, problem.

In all the years of boating, what I really wish was enforced is responsibility for one's own wake. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how enforceable that would be be. There's so many complaints about the 150' rule "being ignored" by MP. Let's give them something else that is equally as difficult to enforce. But I'd still like to see an effort made.

End of rant and back to the wakeboard boat bill.

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