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Old 02-16-2022, 06:55 PM   #68
John Mercier
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Originally Posted by LakeDad View Post
“Plenty”, “some” and “tons” are not really measurements. I don’t know which area brings in more revenue, but there are ways to look this up.

My wife prefers the seacoast and I prefer the lake.
I won this time

Property tax tends to be one of my primary motivators when shopping homes: One could argue that property tax is one of the most immoral taxes: Who wants to pay a lifelong mortgage after you’ve already paid your property off? This got to be such a problem in CA, they capped it based on an annual % of the purchase price, regardless of appreciation.

Alton, Gilford, Wolfeboro and Moultonboro bring great value. Some of the sea coast has similar value, so both will remain popular for years to come.

When I look at Gilmanton, Bow and other places, I’d have a hard time justifying a purchase. A house the price of mine in Bow would have double the property tax.
NH Travel and Tourism has data on where the Meals & Rental taxes are coming from by specific address, but generally correlates by zip code.

We use property taxes... which we have since the founding of the State (and used to pay all State level revenue as property taxes including on livestock and equipment) because property is much more stable, and moreover, the property tax generally goes towards items that improve the value of the property.
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