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Old 02-17-2022, 06:30 PM   #73
John Mercier
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Originally Posted by TiltonBB View Post
You seem to be an expert on most things so please explain this.
If the law is enacted and you are operating a wake boat... you must either adjust course to maintain the 250 feet or cut your throttle. This is regardless of whatever anyone else does.
If I am operating a boat, not a wake boat, and approach you directly... as we encroach on the 250 foot mark... you must act. I need not change anything in direction or throttle until I reach 150 feet from you.

If we both reach 150 feet without a change in course or cutting the throttle, you have impeded 100 feet into your legally required safe zone... broke the law... and are subject to fine. I will not have done anything illegal until I break the 150 foot safety zone required of me.
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