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Old 02-19-2022, 03:15 PM   #16
John Mercier
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Because this area was a lot more rural than in the past...
School and home lessons always had a dose of the stoic, frugal, New Englander of old... so ''waste not, want not''.

Lots of items come from that group, but we digress when times feel easier. I always remember there is another down market right around the corner, another winter that may not be as easy as the ones we remember...

Old farmers would drink hard cider... but that was more about ''saving'' the apples rather than let them rot (or at least that was what they would pretend).
They smoked... but at a time when tobacco was not so costly.
I don't remember any near me on drugs, and tats were mostly military service in a younger life.
Domesticated animals had a purpose. Cats for rodent control, dogs for critter control... to hunt... or help with livestock.
We seldom dined out... and even then it was mostly at our own restaurants.
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