Originally Posted by John Mercier
Purchases from Russia are not about the Keystone XL.
In fact, they had the option of reversing a pipeline... that is currently sitting nearly empty and only has enough to keep it ''wet'' that would transfer the oil to eastern refineries through the Montreal-Portland pipeline. Irving even publicly stated it would build the necessary coker to refine the product if that action was taken.
''Most of the oil that U.S. refiners buy from Russia is not crude oil, but fuel oil they use to produce gasoline in the absence of Venezuelan heavy oil supply to complement the imports of heavy Canadian crude from the oil sands.''
That come from an oil industry analyst.
I respectfully disagree with you assessment. It all starts out as crude at some point yes the oil purchased from Russia has completed one step of refining before its exported but we can use the Keystone crude which can be refined here in the US into fuel oil used for gasoline.
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