Thread: Cost of fuel...
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Old 03-08-2022, 11:47 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by MAXUM View Post
Yes just don't pay attention to the fact that those solar panels are made of highly toxic materials and the manufacturing process isn't exactly environmentally friendly, but that's OK it's done out of sight in China so who cares. And this stuff is being thrown in landfills that are NIMBY.

Just like the EVs, don't pay any attention to the extremely harmful strip mining (overseas so out of sight out of mind) that is occurring to get the raw materials to make batteries that too are highly toxic to manufacture and recycle\dispose of.

When we as a nation are committing economic suicide to virtue signal how "green" we are and to do so turning a blind eye to the environmental impacts that occur elsewhere to do it.... it's comically hypocritical. This is what happens when you don't have coherent grownups running things.
Standard oil industry misinformation. Every reputable study shows huge environmental benefits to both solar and EVs, even after taking these points into account.

A related issue that does not require scientific analysis--the economic benefits to homes and businesses with solar panels were huge even before the price run up. Now they are massive.

As msw points out--if you have solar, heat pumps, and an EV, jumps in oil prices have virtually no impact on your wallet. I'm pretty sure that last year my net energy bill for a 3,000 sq ft house in Mass plus an electric car was a negative number--I received more in green energy credits than I paid for heat, lights, and gasoline. I'm an extreme case, but for anyone with a house in a sunny spot, solar panels are like an ATM on the roof
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