Thread: Cost of fuel...
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Old 03-10-2022, 08:57 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by MAXUM View Post
Well to start, forking out over 6 figures for a model X I would hope the darn thing is reliable.... I can't speak to them directly but know 4 people who have or had model 3's one guy two of them. They were riddled with problems, everything from major problems to stupid things a car that costs as much as they do should not have.

Lots of people LEASE not buy new cars. This is also why so many, even those that make a decent salary are walking financial disasters. Leasing is a complete rip off. The average joe American lives on a payment plan for everything and owns little to nothing. Any plan for people without "excess cash" is not free either, add in all the finance and interest charges that just adds to the lack of affordability or cost benefit.
Its always an issue to me when someone references "I have a friend" or "I know a guy" or "I read that...."

I have a model 3, about 20,000 miles on it with no issues. Perhaps you really do know people who have nothing but problems but that's not representative of the car or the EV industry.

Consumer Reports - an unbiased review IMO rates the 2022 Tesla Model 3 as a recommended car - no small feat.
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