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Old 03-11-2022, 08:13 AM   #80
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Default Oil fired hit water

An organization to which I belong has a building that was built in 1970. The heating system, which included hot water, was oil-fired boiler with three zones and also provided the hot water. This was installed back when oil was literally pennies on the dollar
Fast forward to about four or maybe five years ago, we were looking at the fact said it was costing us $800 to provide hot water from May to November. During that time, we had the thermostats set at 50 degrees.
The decision was made to install a Navion on demand propane-fired hot water heater. We literally turned off the oil fired boiler around the 1st of May and didn't turn it back on again until November. As noted above we were saving at least $800 a year in fuel oil costs.
Given the fact that we only needed hot water for approximately 35 to a maximum of 40 days a year, it made no sense to continue with the oil-fired hot water. Granted, our situation is far different than a home but there are times in a house where burning oil doesn't make any sense at all if it's just for hot water. We did have an 80 gallon tank that was super insulated.

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