Thread: Fire protection
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Old 03-22-2022, 01:00 PM   #15
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Default Interesting Fire Protection System

Having a house on an island off the grid, I like to read the magazine Cabin Life.

One way a backwoods cabin owner set up to help save a cabin from a forest fire.
1. You need a close by Pond or Lake.
2. Purchase a water trash pump and some large 2 inch hose to pickup from the
lake and hose to a large sprinkler.
3. Large sprinkler head
4. Clear all the brush and trees around your hose to have a fire break.

Of course someone has to start the water pump, remotely or by your neighbor. Pre soak your house before the wildfire reaches you and the fire may jump your cabin.

The house will have water damage like drywall, electronics, plaster, and furniture. But you can save your house.

The key is to have a fire hose style hose to put enough water on your cabin while waiting for the fireboat. A garden hose will not put enough water on a house.
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