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Old 03-27-2022, 11:42 AM   #23
Weekend Pundit
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Default Choice is up to the BOS in Alton

Originally Posted by upthesaukee View Post
I would think not likely. We already have ABB, now Breezeline for cable and TDS is first optic. With over 80 miles of roads in Alton, it would be terribly costly for Combat to sting wires for 5500 year round residents.

Perhaps the folks who live around Cherry Valley Rd area where TDS isn't maybe, but town wide, I highly doubt it.

Stop by the Gilford store and ask. That's a straight from the horse's mouth thing.

Comcast would need to apply for and negotiate a Franchise Agreement with the town of Alton and the Board of Selectmen would need to approve it. They would be the third provider if they applied and the BOS says 'Yes'. However, I have no idea if such a thing has happened. A call to the Town Administrator/Board of Selectmen's office to ask would be appropriate as they could tell you if any such negotiations are in progress. (They have to let you know if that is indeed the case since it is public information, though they don't have to reveal details of the negotiations since they are ongoing.) As best I know, only Laconia, Gilford, and Belmont have franchise agreements with Comcast as a competitive cable company to Breezeline.

I do know Breezeline is is presently negotiating a new Franchise Agreement with Alton as part of the multi-town Lakes Region Cable TV Consortium. I don't know how those negotiations are going, but I do know Gilford is not pleased with ABB/Breezeline's performance, particularly when it comes to technical support. (It's almost non-existent, and what there does not involve speaking with human beings.) I made my displeasure known to the Gilford Town Administrator, laying out a timeline of my problems with ABB/Breezeline's tech support, or lack thereof. I've been trying to get an Internet problem fixed for over a year and am no closer to getting it taken care of than I was a year ago. (Yeah, it's off-topic, but relevant.)
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