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Old 04-10-2022, 04:37 AM   #2
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Default 31-yr old Lincoln NH fly store owner drowns- NO pfd! ...... Ok, so what's the difference between wearing a pfd and not wearing one when the water is icy cold? Icy cold water is very cold.

Two other fly-fishers in the group tossed him a pfd as he waded out to retrieve a drifting kayak from the Connecticut River in Monroe up in northern NH on Wednesday April 6, 2022 at about 2-pm.

"Littleton firefighters say three men were fishing when one of them noticed their boat was drifting away and went into the water to get it. The two other men tried to throw him a life jacket but he went underwater and didn't resurface.

Rescue crews from Vermont and New Hampshire will continue their search Thursday morning." .....

You know the Dollar Tree in Plymouth NH has pretty good quality foam noodles for just $1.25, and one of these noodles tied tight around the waist with a 5/16" line thru the center hole will keep you afloat when you don't want to be wearing a pfd. Just picture Jonna in the #1 post, above, from Sweden out on the frozen lake wearing a foam noodle ...... that could be a happening look! ...... skol! .... and, me-thinks Jonna is standing on that lake bottom in Sweden as she is able to hold her breath in that icy cold water, or something, and remain calm enough to exhale her breath while under the water, there, without inhaling any water. ..... April 6 press release ..... as of Sunday, April 10, 6:45am ..... don't see any news report on the body yet to get found by the dive team somewhere in the Connecticut or Passumpsic Rivers ... ...... once you dead, you is dead ..... the end! ..... April 11, 2022

Tuesday May 3, 2022 at about 3:45-pm; his body was found along a bank on the Connecticut River in Monroe, NH. The dive team had searched for three days back on April 7-8-9. ..... F & G airboat search locates dead body. So maybe it was under the ice somewhere down river between April 6 and May 3 if the river still had partial ice on it? Fishing season probably opened on April 1.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 05-09-2022 at 05:35 AM.
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