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Old 04-11-2022, 10:44 AM   #33
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Thanks for all the reports!

We're really looking forward to The Breeze!

This location was our go to Friday night venue, and I hope it will continue!

I certainly hope they can use some sound treatments to help with noise environment! This was a big problem for the bar at the Lion's Den. The lack of sound treatment along with close solid hard (sound reflecting) ceilings caused it to be much too loud with a crowd. Someone starts talking, then it gets too loud with the crowd, so everyone must talk louder... then louder... then louder still! Pretty soon you can barely hear what is being said without talking very loudly, and it was a small space which didn't help. At least the dining room was much quieter.

Some good sound treatments on the walls and perhaps ceilings can help a lot. They are not overly expensive, and many can look good also!

There's another place that I frequent that also badly needs sound/noise/acoustic treatments. They often have live music and it's such a bad acoustic environment that I often can't stay long if the music starts. I'm sure they lose a lot of customers because of these issues. Not that The Breeze has music, but the acoustic environment can make a place enjoyable, or annoying if it's bad!

I was hoping with the reconfiguring of The Breeze, they would take the noise environment into consideration. Either way, we're still looking forward to it!
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