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Old 05-04-2022, 12:44 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by radioman View Post
Rsa 487;43 2019
487:43 Aquatic Invasive Species Decal. –
I. No person shall operate a powerboat registered in another state on New Hampshire public waters without displaying a New Hampshire aquatic invasive species decal from the department of environmental services.
II. Boats operating on interstate waters shared with the state of Maine shall be exempt from the requirement in paragraph I if they are displaying the equivalent aquatic invasive species decal issued by that state. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be valid unless the state of Maine enacts legislation that is substantially the same as the decal requirements in this section and gives reciprocal exemptions to a boat displaying the New Hampshire aquatic invasive species decal.
III. A decal shall be purchased from the department for $20. The revenue from each decal shall be distributed to the lake restoration and preservation fund established in RSA 487:25 in the same proportions as the addition to the boat fee under RSA 487:25, I.
IV. The New Hampshire aquatic invasive species decal shall:
(a) Be displayed within 3 inches of a boat's valid registration decal.
(b) Expire on December 31 each year.
(c) Change color each calendar year. The color of the decal shall not conflict with the New Hampshire registration validation decal in any year.
(d) Measure 3 inches by 3 inches.
V. Failure to purchase or display the New Hampshire aquatic invasive species decal in accordance with this section shall be a violation. For purposes of his section, the boat operator shall have 48 hours to demonstrate compliance with this section. The boat operator may present proof of purchase with a valid transaction date as proof of compliance.
VI. Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a violation punishable by a fine of $50 for a first offense, $100 for a second offense, and $250 for any subsequent offense. The authority to enforce these sections shall extend to all peace officers in the state of New Hampshire. All fines collected under this paragraph shall be paid to department of safety for deposit into the navigation and safety fund established in RSA 270-E:6-a.
VII. The commissioner may enter into contracts with individuals, public or private corporations, or institutions for assistance in developing, implementing, and issuing the aquatic invasive species decal. The commissioner shall adopt rules under RSA 541-A relative to any matters necessary to implement the provisions of this subdivision.

Source. 2019, 114:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
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