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Old 05-06-2022, 06:27 PM   #8
Weekend Pundit
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Default People with the 'Tude

While traffic is a price we pay over the summer for being able to live here, I can deal with it. I can deal with the Cap'n Boneheads out on the lake.

My dislike is for the folks from away with the attitude of "You're lucky that we bother to grace you with our presence". I refer to them as "Summah People" versus the regular folk, or "summerfolk".

Summerfolk are here for a good time and are not really an issue since they don't want to cause problems. The Summah People on the other hand are a very small percentage of the visitors here, but they have a disproportionate effect on everyone because of their crappy attitude. They ruin it for everyone else. I don't run across them often, but it's always easy to spot them because they make themselves so evident by their attitude.
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