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Old 05-20-2022, 08:30 AM   #23
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As stated by others, cost to run could be in the millions and I speculate might be more than 10% of the current town budget. Make no mistake....a "want" can quickly be a "need" with the right spin and there is lots of spin going on. We heard all about the "need" for the HUB but the proponents couldn't get a majority of voters to approve setting aside "free" money as bait to get contributions.

Next year the HUB group will press for a warrant article for their "need". I am sick of only having one option at town meeting. The solution is simple....the BOS needs to "do their job" and create a warrant article next year for a full renovation of the existing Lions facility and stop the "its for the Meals on Wheels". They are just a tenant....there are many more who can and do use the facility. Use the existing plans to renovate the facility that were created 3 years ago by an engineering firm. Use those plans and go out for a FIRM quotation before town meeting.

Next, offer the "HUB" group an option to lease for 99 years at $1 / year the needed ground space at the Lions site for a separate stand alone facility that has the gym and aquatics center that they purport has a large "need" in the community. Let those who see this "need" fund the construction, seek donations, and assume the annual operating costs...NOT THE TOWN.

It is time for the BOS to exert leadership and not be part of the "spin". We need to push them to dust off the old plans and get a firm bid...the sooner the better and BEFORE the town taxpayers get swamped with huge annual bond paybacks and equally large and ongoing annual operating costs for a "want" that has been spun as a "need".

Last edited by tummyman; 05-20-2022 at 08:35 AM. Reason: Typo
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