Thread: Forum names
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Old 06-07-2022, 01:31 PM   #71
Poor Richard
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Poor Richard comes from a couple things...

The short version is, it's a euphemism of sorts and it also happens to be the name of the font I use for my company.

The company font aside, the longer PG-13 version is:

On another forum, in the for sale section there were always a few members lowballing or, my favorite, "I'll have the cash in 2 weeks, can you hold it for me?" When in actuality these individuals never seemed to make a purchase on anything ever........ever.

From that, the term "brokedick" was eventually the label those select few had to live with and me being me, I found that to be exceptionally entertaining because of how it played out on that forum....that and it was simply the perfect description for these folks.

Anyway, as I was signing up to this forum, I wanted to use something different than the name I generally use and so I drew inspiration from the company font, had a chuckle and went with it.


Last edited by Poor Richard; 06-07-2022 at 01:48 PM. Reason: Grammah
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