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Old 06-29-2022, 07:57 AM   #70
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Just compare voter turnout for Traditional Tuesday voting day, and the Traditional business session turnout. Many, many, more voters at least turnout for elections etc. on the Tuesday, but don't go to business session.

SB2 has the same number of voters on voting Tuesday. The issue is how many, comparing one vote session (SB2) v. two voting sessions (Traditional).

Both forms of Tuesday ballot voting, votes are ... yes ... no ... abstain! All voting for SB2 is "secret". How many times at Traditional meeting, folks are leery of raising their yes/no cards, as to not "offend" others.

The classical anti-SB2 argument, of less folks show up for the SB2 deliberative session, is bogus. Informed folks that have read the warrant, and have no problems with it, and don't want to hear a bunch of bloviating at a mic, don't need to go to the deliberative session. Just vote on the Tuesday!
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