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Old 06-29-2022, 11:49 PM   #74
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I miss the traditional Town/School meeting which was as much social as business. Our biggest was about 4500 people in three gyms/cafeteria with big screens and electronic interconnections. Now, with about 19,000 on the voter checklist, we get <100 at the deliberative session and 3500 who actually vote on the ballot day.
My big complaint with SB2 is the "Default budget" which goes into place if the voters reject the proposed budget. Many governing bodies are routinely accused of making the default budget so close to, or higher than, the proposed budget, that it doesn't matter which way you vote, there will be more spending. Let me add that meetings are televised now, and replayed, so we don't know how many actually watch, but they aren't in the room to discuss or vote on amendments to warrant articles.
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