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Old 07-05-2022, 04:54 PM   #37
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Default Beezeline issue... Think I'm done !

Today I called Breezeline, as I have an issue with my bill. I’ve had to make these calls frequently to them to assist with billing corrections and service plan.

First their customer service is terrible ! I know what you going to say, ‘this is the new norm, get use to it’ !

My current bill reflected a $10 increase, and they told me today that it was related to coming off a promotion. I had this same conversation 2 months ago, and they said they would reinstate my plan for a year, and they only did this for the last 2 months. Now it’s gone up again… You're thinking, for a lousy $10 you’re complaining ??? If they do it to me, how many more thousands are also being affected in this manner.

I asked to speak to the 'loyalty dept', and they took my tel# and said that dept would call me back... Right !

I think Breezeline has beaten me down for the last time. I’m dropping Breezeline for Xfinity, but would first like to hear from Forum members, who currently are Xfinity customers, about their service and experience.
Thanks for your feed-back, much appreciated !
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