Originally Posted by fatlazyless
The Plymouth Walmart has about 25 different brite green or brite red Bloo Tide 8' surfboards way in the back of their outdoor garden area.
Price $109, length 96", width 23", depth-varies 3-5" with 3 fins and a semi smooth vinyl surface.
No motor, no state registration, no insurance and you get to paddle it with a kayak paddle or your two hands or surf it on a wave. Non-motorized, paddle vessels are covered on your basic NH standard homeowner's policy.
A 27-mph electric surfboard is basically a personal injury, or even worse, a boat collision just awaiting to happen on crowded Lake Winnipesaukee.
I’m not on a crowded lake

I do use a helmet, wetsuit, whistle, booties, vest, registration, all recommended on the board.
You can hurt yourself water skiing, snow skiing, biking too.
Paddling by hand on a paddle board is just as vulnerable on a busy lake.
At least I can zoom out of the way if they don’t see me.
You don’t have to go 27mph. I’ll be happy just above planning speed (probably around 20mph).
It can actually go 45 mph. Which is insane.
My car can go 155mph but I’ve never been above 85mph (rarely go above 70mph).
Enjoy your paddling. Don’t forget your noodles and rubber ducky.
I have a Hobie Tandem Island for when I want to paddle (or sail). Way safer than a paddle board. More visible and you can move it way faster when needed.