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Old 08-15-2022, 08:10 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by MeredithMan View Post
...Went up to Black Cat and Blackey Cove yesterday. As we turned to head up between Bear Island and Cattle Landing area, there were 3 turquoise/black jet skis doing donuts and jumping wakes of all the boats that go through that passage. That is a busy, fairly narrow area and they were creating total chaos that was borderline dangerous.

Repeat after me: just a couple more weeks and it'll slow down...just a couple more weeks and it'll slow down....
Wasn’t me. I don’t have a turquoise/black jet ski. It’s black/turquoise.

Seriously, my observation of weekend traffic this season is that there has been noticeably less of it when comparing to the last two years. Gas prices? People getting over the peak of the Covid scare when so many introduced themselves to boating? I was out 11 - 2:00 Saturday and wasn’t overwhelmed at all - again - in comparison to the past few years. I have no opinion whether there are more or fewer crazies however and when I do see them, I give them a wide berth.
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