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Old 09-06-2022, 11:49 AM   #46
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Default Paugus Bay

We went to the Paugus Bay (Margate) sand bar at 11:00 am. It was already very crowded! My son's dogs love it there so we had fun swimming and playing around. When we left at 1:30 pm, the sand bar was nearly fully crowded. So much so we pushed our boat out to open water.

The lesson learned over the past couple of years is that everyone needs to slow down a bit and be a little more deferential. Not a very profound take. The lake is so busy that just because you have the right of way doesn't mean you can take it. I am far less aggressive than I used to be. It also wouldn't hurt if the boaters who are towing their kids on rafts were a little more aware of their surroundings. (By far the most incidents I have is with boaters who are trying to throw their kids off the rafts.)

Saturdays are manageable, it just takes some patience.
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