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Old 09-07-2022, 02:40 PM   #454
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Originally Posted by thinkxingu View Post
If I'm reading that correctly, the petition was to ban seaplanes in 19-Mile Bay and that the petition failed?

I thought the original issue regarded the town docks being adjusted to allow seaplanes to dock there?

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This is a group of people who don't want sea planes landing on the lake. From what I can tell, the hullabaloo came to a head over an operator asking for a dock to be modified so he could occasionally operate to the dock. Coincidently there is a petition to create a seabase on the bay, which would define an area for seaplanes to operate. The problem from what I read is that the DOT already approved the seabase and it is their jurisdiction. This report recommended, for a variety of reasons detailed in the report, not approve the petitioned ban on sea planes.
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