Thread: Silence
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Old 09-15-2022, 07:18 AM   #16
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I have always found it interesting that some manufacturers refuse to build quality exhaust mufflers for their power equipment.

It is not a requirement that riding mowers and leaf blowers be loud!

Have any of you heard a Honda Inverter generator before? They are crazy quiet and generate between 2000 and 7000 Watts of power so they are no slouch when it comes to power output.

Same for modern high performance cars. Their exhaust is tuned to sound "healthy" when you punch the throttle, but some are oddly quiet when cruising down the highway at 70 MPH and still making hundreds of HP.

Why backpack leafblower and such equipment doent have similar quality mufflers is an interesting question, but I'm willing to bet its on purpose! If I had to take a very cynical guess, it would be that the manufacturers believe consumers hear loud and think powerful and they believe thats what sells. So in some twisted marketing strategy, they engineer the exhausts to sound powerful, not quiet.

Well clearly I am distrustful of the corporate giants motives, so even I question my theories, sometimes. Unfortunately too often I learn my suspicions were true or very close, so that only fuels even more distrust,,,

I'm certainly open to other ideas about why some equipment is so loud and others (Honda generators being a really good example) are so quiet.

And I dont believe for one minute it is necessary for such equipment to be loud. Sorry, not buying in.
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