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Old 10-05-2022, 02:59 PM   #48
John Mercier
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''Sure, when the next electric car rolls onto a neighborhood block already filled with electric cars or a transit agency plans to roll out half dozen electric buses at the depot, the local utility may need to upgrade a local transformer or add extra distribution wires."


''The addition of new transportation and building electrification loads as part of deep decarbonization efforts will shift the grid to a winter-peaking system and require changes to planning processes, the ISO said.

A deep decarbonization scenario with heavy renewable penetration and large electrification load results in the region’s grid “moving to a winter peaking grid, with reliability hours in the pre-dawn winter morning in addition to the evening. As the region transitions, reliability assessments will need to be conducted on a 12-month basis instead of seasonally,” the report said.''

ISO-NE expects the grid to have to be massively upgraded over the next decade. It isn't just vehicles, it is space heating and accompanying water heating.
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