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Old 01-30-2023, 06:12 PM   #50
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Default Lake Waukewan, Meredith: How's that Lake Waukewan ice?

Lake Waukewan, Monday, Jan 30, 2023: At 9:30-am today there were no hockey rink boards for the numerous individual rinks out there on the ice. It's an ice hockey skating venue awaiting for it to get cold or something?

There was two guys working with a gasoline powered water pump putting water atop the ice via a hole cut through the ice.

A third guy was operating a medium small orange tractor with a bucket loader up-front, out on the ice, doing something?

Today's air temperature at noon was about 36-degrees. Is supposed to get much colder overnight, tonight, and for the next week with a deep freeze moving in, here. Pray for the deep freeze ........ puh-lease O hockey Gods ..... make it icy cold so all's the hockey players from all over will show up to Meredith, NH!

That was everything that was happening on the Lake Waukewan ice as of Monday, Jan 30, 2023, 9:30-am.
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