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Old 02-26-2023, 05:11 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Susie Cougar View Post
This is the real issue. There will always be people who abuse the system. Maybe if you’re going to rent your house out, it should be inspected beforehand by the town. If the septic system is small and outdated it should have to be replaced.

We had a real problem years ago when one of the neighbors decided to rent for the summer. It was just a small camp with a 50 gallon septic tank. Sometimes there would be as many as eight cars in the driveway. We had a beautiful beach and they had none, so the tenants decided they would just take over our beach.

We spoke to the owners several times and they never believed that there were so many people there. they had a handyman go in to prove that the septic was fine.He put some red dye in the toilet and flushed it and sure enough it went right into the lake. Who wants to deal with this?
Not everyone is a good tenant and that is the problem. Believe it or not, the house still has that original septic tank because it has not changed hands in decades. We definitely need more regulation.
I almost think it's safe to say these groups of 10-20 or more people don't do any house much good. I would never want that many people in my house-any size, any age!
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