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Old 03-09-2023, 08:46 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by sunset on the dock View Post
Today the House Resource, Recreation, and Development Committee voted 18 to zero against HB 448, a bill that would have increased the speed limit in the Broads to 65 MPH. Only two people spoke in favor of HB 448 (one being the bill's sponsor) with 23 speaking against. One House Representative noted that she had received 700 emails against the bill with just a handful in favor. New this year, the Dept. of Safety/ Marine Patrol took a strong stance against raising the speed limit with Sargent Dennis Wade, head of the Marine Patrol, speaking out strongly against the bill. Six marinas were on record as against raising the speed limit as well as the Lake Winni Association, NH Lakes Assoc., Loon Preservation Committee, Lakes Region Conservation Trust, Wolfeboro Waters, NH Camp Directors Association, and several other camps including Sandy Island Camp.

Very compelling testimony regarding the kayaker who was hit in 2020 by a 31' cherry red dual engine Monterey going 35 MPH was heard. The victim suffered several orthopedic injuries, a blood clot, has spent extensive time rehabilitating and suffers serious ongoing medical issues to this day. It was noted that had the Monterey been going 65 MPH the kayaker would most likely have been killed. Additionally testimony was heard regarding the 2015 incident where a swimmer was hit by a boat going 65 MPH.
Funny how you only come out of the darkness when speed limit discussions are involved, in the news or here...
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