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Old 03-10-2023, 02:59 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by sunset on the dock View Post
Man, what an amazing modern world we now live in. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to be sure it's all so wonderfully real. Up is down, black is white, 23 to 2 and 700 to a few is a minority, the laws of physics and statistics no longer matter, and people who don't have enough time to send a quick email to Concord still have plenty of time to post on forums. Who could have imagined that we would live in such an enlightened era. Certainly I've experienced a MAJOR illumination.
I wish my grandparents could be here to witness and experience, with wonder and awe, the dizzying heights to which we have all scaled.
A tad dramatic, no? Not one life has been saved, not one accident prevented, because of this feel-good law. Speed on the lake was never a safety issue prior to its enactment and it is not an issue afterwards. The irony is that the data is on my side. Like I said above, if there is a study about speed and boater safety, everyone of us would know about it.

Let's face it, this law was passed to eliminate fast, noisy boats from the lake. People didn't like the noise, and maybe they didn't like the type of people who operated them. For whatever reason, they hijacked the safety aspect of the issue to appeal to the masses. How can a bill directed to improving safety be bad?

We create silly laws and and unnecessary processes to address non-existent issues to make people feel good. All you need to do is go to an airport. TSA is a great example.

My parents are still alive and think the law is stupid. And my grandparents, if they were alive, would have thought the law was beyond silly.

Last edited by Major; 03-10-2023 at 04:11 PM.
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