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Old 04-16-2023, 10:27 PM   #17
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I think there are some changes going on. Gas stations (remember when they were service stations?) will generally collect oil and more frequently over time, use it for heating. BUT, now others will buy it from them and either use it for heat or sell it to somebody like Wentworth Greenhouses in Rollinsford. They in turn, developed a business to re-refine the used oil and use some for heat and some gets sold for other purposes. That operation was in turn sold to Clean Harbors. I recall when it first opened, they were re-refining hundreds of 1,000's of gallons a year. The next closest similar operation was in Ohio, doing thousands of barrels a year. I expect there are more of these operations in place now--my info is several years old, from when I was in a related state oversight position.
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