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Old 05-02-2023, 04:32 PM   #20
Weekend Pundit
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Wink Kitchen Cravings

OK, a few items to respond to other comments.

KC is located on Laconia Airport property (15 Airport Road) and the land is leased from the Airport Authority.

The second owner (the one who bought it from Bill and Sally Bickford) really had little idea how to run a restaurant. As others have mentioned, the servings got smaller, the prices went up, and the quality went down. I believe it was Covid that finally 'killed' KC as the owner wasn't able to retain staff, particularly after deciding to become a seasonal restaurant.

I believe there is a Purchase and Sales Agreement that has been signed, the purchaser an existing Lakes Region restaurateur with two existing restaurants in the area. (I can say that it isn't Alan Beetle, owner of Patrick's. Beyond that I can say nothing.) It is also my understanding the buyer wants to add on to the building and parking lot in order to accommodate more patrons.

Last edited by Weekend Pundit; 05-02-2023 at 04:34 PM. Reason: Additional info about plans.
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