Thread: Tablet and GPS
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Old 05-22-2023, 02:04 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Juiced06GTO View Post
Be careful buying a refurb on line. They tend to be older models and Apple stops supporting them after a while so they become expensive paper weights.

We purchased one during the pandemic so my son could do his remote learning on it for kindergarten as I didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars on an ipad for a 6 year old. It wouldn't load any of the apps because it was too old and I ended up just buying a new (for 2020) one anyhow.

You must have gotten a very old one then. In general, Apple supports phones and tablets longer than other manufacturers with ongoing software updates. However, that doesn't mean that app makers themselves will always have the same amount of ongoing support.

FWIW, I have an iPad Mini that is older than I can recall, it's got to be close to 10 years old now. It still works fine, and last time I tested some of the nav apps, they all worked fine on it.
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