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Old 05-24-2023, 08:36 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
Hi Dan,

Both MVYC and GYC have a boat lift, which is used for large boats, which they charge a fee for launch/haul.

Both Gilford Yacht Club and Glendale Yacht Club does not have a launch ramp for trailers.

I'm not sure if MYVC has a launch ramp for trailers.

But for those of us with smaller boats or PWCs, we use a trailer and need a boat ramp.

Strange thing is that I talked to the Town manager (administrator?) about the issue, he said things are getting so crowded that 'we need to do something'.

Yet 95% of the time, when I use the ramp during the week I rarely meet anyone at the ramp. Of course on a weekend it's busier and I'm sure it's most busy in the mornings, but later in the day, I have never had to wait nor was someone waiting for me at the ramp.
Wow, Thanks for the info!! I didn't know these places didn't provide a ramp! Seems crazy to me for what they charge!

It's Always Sunny On Welch Island!!
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