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Old 05-25-2023, 02:42 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
In theory we could probably turn the lift launch slip into a dual purpose lift/ramp, but that would not be cheap. Excavate out the approach and leave the docks on each side for the lift to run on. The lift would straddle the ramp. Not ideal and not a ton of space to maneuver, but doable. Trying to get the club to bite (and write the check) would be the difficult part.

I will try to make the meeting. Slip owners are not causing the congestion at Glendale.

Out of curiosity, Dave's Motorboat Shop is dropping in and pulling boats there daily. Is he running a valet service or is it customer boats that are Gilford residents coming in and out for repairs?
I agree!

Or change our underutilized Beach to a ramp. It's been kind of ugly now that they installed those kyak racks.

I have also mentioned a removable davit at the corner of the Tammy lift well for use by PWCs since these are our greater need during the season vs boats being spring/fall launched/hauled for the season.
Don't listen to me, obviously I don't understand what I'm talking about!
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