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Old 05-29-2023, 09:05 PM   #36
Weekend Pundit
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Post Gilford BOS did its job

Originally Posted by ITD View Post
People serving as selectman/woman need to be smarter than this. The blow hard loudmouths want to sound like they have good ideas and are the majority but seldom are.

This is why it's so important to pay attention to what they are doing and to research and attend town meetings if you still have that right.
Regarding to the changes in Glendale regulations it wasn't the Selectcritters who proposed this, but the Glendale Committee. The Board of Selectmen held a public hearing on the matter and prior to that public hearing received a lot of public input - e-mails and phone calls from what I heard at the public hearing - and the BOS realized that part of the changed Glendale regulations were unworkable. The BOS chair made a motion to remove the proposed changes affecting those who have been using the docks with a few exceptions (the exception being use by barges, if memory serves). The motion passed and the crappy part of the proposed regulations were dead.

The BOS did it's job and listened to the public. The BOS doesn't always know how people will be affected by changes. That's what public hearings are for. It's one reason they are also revisiting the Gilford Beach regulations because the changes went too far.
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