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Old 07-26-2023, 12:01 PM   #24
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From my perspective - They do a great job! I've seen many 'inexperienced' boaters trying to pull in to dock or get out and they've aided and helped several do just that safely and without 'dinging' up other boats. I can tell you, there would be MUCH more boat damage had they not assisted. As someone else called out up above, they also help make sure dock space is maximized.

Tips are appreciated as one might assume - I personally even tip them when I didn't need assistance which is just about every time. They are out there for several hours baking in the sun on hot, humid days. I guess I'm just hoping any extra tip will only aid them in keeping an extra eye on someone potentially banging into my boat. My goal is to just get in, get out, and enjoy the day without my boat getting damaged or being thrown any additional curve balls to throw off the day. Why we escape to the lake every weekend in the first place
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