Thread: Private flying
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Old 07-26-2023, 12:55 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by tis View Post
Any information/advice you can give me?
Sure. I now fly my own plane to FL, but chartered or used a jet card for several years.

First, if you are only flying one way, or are staying for more than a day or two, you may have to pay for the flight back, even if you’re not on the plane. In some instances, you can find a charter where they sell the return leg.

Second, rates have skyrocketed since Covid. Not quite doubled, but close. That is beginning to subside, to some degree.

Round trip, (1 or 2 night stay) for a plane that could carry 6 passengers and enough fuel to get to FL, you are probably going to see a rate just north of $40,000. One way, assuming they can find somebody to take the return trip, you can expect to pay in the mid $20’s. This is for a plane similar to a Cessna Citation CJ3, which is considered a light jet. The flight would be +/- 3 hours to S Florida, depending on winds. Mid size or large jets are considerably more expensive.

If you are making the trip often, you can pre-buy hours through a company such as FlyExclusive. This probably reduces the costs by 10% - 20%, and there is no premium for one way flights, because they operate nationally.

If you were interested, you could call SkyBright at Laconia Airport, and they will seek quotes from charter companies on your behalf.
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